Episcopal Church

Episcopal Church

Give Option 2

2004 Spring Gate Lane
Las Vegas, NV 89134


First Sunday Breakfast

Grace First Sunday Breakfast Ministry offers a low cost, breakfast fare on the first Sunday of each month from October to May. The menus vary monthly and feature one of the following: pancakes, waffles, French toast. These are most often served with scrambled eggs, bacon or sausage, fresh fruit and of course include breakfast beverages. This ministry is coordinated by Bill Audley and his crew of cooks, servers, and cashiers.


Foyer Groups

Grace in the Desert has been holding Foyer Groups since 2000. It has been a great way to meet our wonderful church community and develop friendships.

We started September 11, 2022, with a Dessert Potluck Kickoff. We had an excellent response with 31 signing up and 23 able to attend. Everyone enjoyed the numerous delicious desserts and company. At this point we have four Foyer Groups. These are small groups of 8 congregants getting together to plan gatherings in their homes or group outings four or five times during the year 2022-2023.

If interested in joining a Foyer Group or wanting more information contact: Margie Turner

Hospitality Coordinator

Grace in the Desert holds a simple hospitality on the second through last Sundays of each month from September through May. Coffee Hour follows the 10:3am service and usually begins at 11:30am and ends at 12:30pm. There is a list of congregants who are willing to sign up and bring simple breakfast items such as coffee cake, croissants, and cobblers, yogurt and juice. Grace provides coffee and water. Often items are left in the freezer and dated and labeled for use at coffee hour. A basket is placed on the table for goodwill offerings to support the ministry and given to the business office. A description of the Hospitality responsibilities is available.

Parish Community Breakfast

As we left the Pandemic behind, the Men's and Women's Breakfasts' combined forces to become the Parish Community Breakfast.

Please join us on the third Saturday of each month from September through May, Take the opportunity to share great food and fellowship. This is an opportunity to renew old friendships and forge new ones, Families with children are welcome.

The ministry provides the main course and encourage us to bring a breakfast item to share. The Parish Hall will be open for coffee at 8:30 am, and breakfast will be served at 9:00 am.

We look forward to breaking bread with you!

Ministry Fair

The Grace Ministry Fair (formerly called Homecoming) is an annual event that includes all active inward and outward facing ministries authorized by the Vestry. This Ministry meets in September usually a week following the opening of ‘Sunday School’. It is held between both Sunday Services. Those involved include all Vestry authorized ministries and it is a day to celebrate the good works done at Grace in the Desert and to invite newcomers and congregants to become active in our church. Each ministry has responsibility for keeping its ministry up to date on the church website by notifying communications@graceofsummerlin.org


Welcoming new guests to Grace in the Desert calls us to live into our mission “to be a growing and inclusive community of faith.” Our guests are God's weekly gift to us. The challenge of integrating guests into a worship community requires a commitment to making all who enter our sanctuary feel welcome.

A series of tools are employed to accomplish this:

  • A member of the newcomers team is available at the beginning of each service to help greeters, helping parishioners with their nametags and giving them a special welcome.
  • After the service, team members are at the back to assist clergy in greeting our new members and guests and escorting them to coffee hour.
  • Offering introduction to our communication venues.
  • Arranging a quarterly newcomer event to welcome the newest group and ask our ministries to speak about their work and present at this event.

Reading with Grace Book Club

Reading with Grace

The Reading with Grace Book Club (BC) meets on the second Thursday of the month from September to May on Zoom. A book list is established three months ahead of time. The discussion is lead by the person who suggested the title.

This Ministry is open to a new Chair. If you are interested in the job, please contact us below:

  1. Communicate with all the members in the Parish through the church communication tools.
  2. Coordinate the next lead.
  3. Keep a log of the suggested titles.
  4. Keep website description of this group up to date.

Contact: Susan Cooper susan@recooper.com or Darlene Albert dmgalbert@gmail.com

Parish Calendar

Parish Location

Robert Cooper Grace in the Desert (GraceofSummerlin.org) Webmaster Programmer and Web Designer Application Development Website Webdesign Custom Application C# HTML JQuery Javascript CSS email:bob@recooper.com