Our Community Labyrinth

Come join us in the Sanctuary Garden, which includes an 11 Circuit Medieval style labyrinth. It is located behind Grace in the Desert Episcopal Church at 2004 Spring Gate Lane in Las Vegas, NV. As you enter the driveway, tum left and follow the drive to the back of the property.
The Sanctuary Garden is open to all, regardless of faith background. You are encouraged to walk the labyrinth, to sit on one of benches in the garden to relax and meditate or to just come and enjoy the beauty ofthe garden with a cup ofcoffee and your friends.
How to Walk a Labyrinth
First, be assured that you are welcome, even ifyou have not walked a labyrinth before. There is no right or wrong way. Each person has their own unique style, but a few suggestions are offered to help you on your way.
Begin at the opening to the labyrinth by pausing to reflect on what is on your heart and mind-thankfulness, healing, resolution, reconciliation. Release those concerns as you prepare to begin your walk.
First, be assured that you are welcome, even if you have not walked a labyrinth before. There is no right or wrong way. Each person has their own unique style, but a few suggestions are offered to help you on your way.
Begin at the opening to the labyrinth by pausing to reflect on what is on your heart and mind - thankfulness, healing, resolution, reconciliation. Release those conc€ms as you prepare to begin your walk.
As you begin to walk slowly and deliberately, open your heart and mind to receive what God has in store for you. Remember that this is not a one-sided conversation but a listening to receive. When you reach the center, pause for as long as you like. Offer a prayer of thanksgiving or just be still and know that you are not alone.
As you return, reflect on what you have received. When you have reached the entrance, face the center, take a deep breath and acknowledge what you have received.
Sit on a bench, take time to meditate on what you have received. You might want to journal your experience or to create a drawing.
A logistical note: If you encounter someone walking the same path as you, but going the opposite direction, simple pause and step into the next pathway until the person has passed. In the same way, if you encounter someone ahead of you and you want to pass them, simply step into a different pathway until you have passed them and retum to your pathway.
History of Labyrinths
Labyrinths have been around for thousands ofyears in all faith traditions. Greek mythology tells us that the original labyrinth was created to trap ard hold the minotaur.
Labyrinths are found not only in and around churches, but also on beaches, mountain tops and deserts. They have decorated pottery and stones and appeared on ancient coins.
Some of the most well know labyrinths are in Chartes, France and Grace Episcopal Cathedral in San Francisco. Grace's labyrinth is modeled after these two, which are also 11 Circuit Medieval Style.
History of Grace's Sanctuary Garden/Labyrinth
Grace's sagas begin with a parishioner's visit to Grace Episcopal Cathedral and their Labyrinth. He returned home inspired to create a place of peace and contemplation in his home parish. After fits and false starts, and with the help of volunteer's groundwork was laid for the labyrinth. The Grace youth group took on the project and laid painted and glass rocks to mark the path of the labyrinth.
But time and destiny had other ideas and the labyrinth fell into disuse and ultimately into disrepair.
Several years passed and a new person appeared at Grace. Working with the original visionary and a core crew, the Sanctuary Garden begin to take shape, beginning with the labyrinth. Soon areas reminiscent of where Jesus walked began to appear - The Road to Damascus, the Garden of Gethsemane, the Heights of Jerusalem.
Not only parishioners are coming to see the beauty of the Sanctuary Garden, but people in the surrounding community are the walking the labyrinth, sitting in contemplation on one of the benches, and enjoying the beauty and serenity that surrounds them there.
Special services have been held there - the Burning of the Mortgage, Stations of the Cross, candlelight night walks, lighting of the Paschal Candle. Children' activities such as Halloween and Easter Egg Hunt have also been held.
The vision continues to be the creation of a sanctuary garden where ALL are welcome - a place to be still and know God.