Funeral & Bereavement Ministry 
Funerals and Bereavement is handled by a member the Clergy. The Rev. Erica Rosolsky. Please call the church office to takes to initiate the bereavement process, and work with family members and funeral arrangements. Appropriate Clergy and staff are called on to attend to the details.
Parishioners are encouraged to make service arrangements well in advance. A two-page form is available to be completed and discussed with a Clergy person. A copy of this form is available from the office.
Other arrangements available.
The Flower Guild at Grace offers floral arrangements for funerals and receptions. Contact Mamie Hechter
During non-COVID times there are volunteer reception planners available.
NOTE: Bereavement and Funeral practices are at the behest of a new Rector. These protocols are reviewed and revised when a new Rector is hired.