Episcopal Church

Episcopal Church

Give Option 2

2004 Spring Gate Lane
Las Vegas, NV 89134

Currency of Wellness *

When we speak of wellness, we are talking about our spiritual, physical, economic, and social wellness. Wellness is important because when we are well, we can work to provide for the safety and health of our families and our communities, focus on the needs of others and support the ministries and facilities of our church.

At Grace in the Desert we are working to create the Wellness in many ways through our ministries.

  • We create emotional, economic and social wellness for homeless families working with Family Promise.
  • We work to promote wellness through Recovery ministries, Caring Hands and healing services.
  • Wellness is an important part of our worship services
  • We touch over 150 families annually with our Thanksgiving baskets
  • We warm children’s hearts with our Angel tree gifts at Christmas.
  • We support a local thrift store and food banks.
  • We host outside activities including Alcoholics Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous, and blood drives.
  • We host groups that focus on senior health through fitness, balance, nutrition, and mental acuity.
  • We work for social wellness through our participation in Nevadans for Common Good.

Click on any of the other topics below to learn more about how we are working to better love one another as Jesus commands us: *

* For a more in-depth discussion see the Holy Currencies - 6 Blessings for Sustainable Missional Ministries by Rev. Dr. Eric Law, Chalice Press, Copyright 2013

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Robert Cooper Grace in the Desert (GraceofSummerlin.org) Webmaster Programmer and Web Designer Application Development Website Webdesign Custom Application C# HTML JQuery Javascript CSS email:bob@recooper.com