Episcopal Church

Episcopal Church

Give Option 2

2004 Spring Gate Lane
Las Vegas, NV 89134

Currency of Money *

Jesus addresses the topic of money more than any other topic in the gospels. When we think of money and a budget we normally think of the usual budget categories such as salaries, office expenses, utilities and mortgages. Instead of those usual budget categories we strive to look at the blessings that money makes possible. If we allocate funds by ministry we can better see the ways our resources are put to work for God’s purposes.

When we allocate funds to support a portion of the Rector’s time to lead services, we generate blessings of Wellness and Relationship. Funds designated to support the Rector’s time to lead and oversee various ministries generate blessings of Gracious Leadership, Relationship and Truth. Funds allocated to support a portion of the Rector’s time to visit the sick generate blessings of Wellness and Relationship. Funds budgeted to support facilities that are used by outside recovery groups generate blessings for all of those they touch. At Grace in the Desert, we have over 40 ministries at work. The funding provided to support those ministries generates blessings for the many people they touch. Money looks quite different when we look at it from the perspective of the blessings generated and shared as opposed to traditional budget categories.

Click on any of the other topics below to learn more about how we are working to better love one another as Jesus commands us: *

* For a more in-depth discussion see the Holy Currencies - 6 Blessings for Sustainable Missional Ministries by Rev. Dr. Eric Law, Chalice Press, Copyright 2013

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Robert Cooper Grace in the Desert (GraceofSummerlin.org) Webmaster Programmer and Web Designer Application Development Website Webdesign Custom Application C# HTML JQuery Javascript CSS email:bob@recooper.com