Episcopal Church

Episcopal Church

Give Option 2

2004 Spring Gate Lane
Las Vegas, NV 89134

Currency of Time and Place*

Time and Place recognizes the blessings generated by clergy and parishioners as well as the church facilities in which we carry out our ministries. Many lives are touched. Lives are transformed.

At Grace in the Desert, we practice good stewardship by using our buildings between weekend services to serve the parish and the community:

  • The church buildings give us a place to gather when we worship.
  • We share our church buildings with groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Gamblers Anonymous.
  • We host Family Promise to lend a hand to homeless families trying to get back on their feet.
  • We host blood drives for the benefit of the community.
  • Our building serves the community as a polling place for elections.
  • In addition to church buildings, parishioners open their homes for ministries such as of the Foyer groups and other small group gatherings

Click on any of the other topics below to learn more about how we are working to better love one another as Jesus commands us: *

* For a more in-depth discussion see the Holy Currencies - 6 Blessings for Sustainable Missional Ministries by Rev. Dr. Eric Law, Chalice Press, Copyright 2013

Parish Calendar

Parish Location

Robert Cooper Grace in the Desert (GraceofSummerlin.org) Webmaster Programmer and Web Designer Application Development Website Webdesign Custom Application C# HTML JQuery Javascript CSS email:bob@recooper.com