Episcopal Church

Episcopal Church

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2004 Spring Gate Lane
Las Vegas, NV 89134

Currency of Relationship *

Relationships are the foundation to following Jesus’ commandment to love one another. At Grace, we actively work to love one another. We work to create an environment of trust, to listen for understanding, and not jump to judgment. We strive for understanding and truth in our relationships to be better equipped to bring God’s blessings and wellness where they are needed.

We work to develop more respectful relationships with fellow parishioners and make all who come to our parish feel welcomed and loved. To love one another, we develop respectful relationships with leaders and churches within the Episcopal Church and with other denominations locally, nationally and internationally. We seek to build constructive relationships with all people. The following are some of the Ministries at Grace that work to build relationships.

We work to develop more respectful relationships with fellow parishioners and make all who come to our parish feel welcomed and loved. To love one another, we develop respectful relationships with leaders and churches within the Episcopal Church and with other denominations locally, nationally and internationally. We seek to build constructive relationships with all people.

The following are some of the ministries at Grace that work to build relationships:

  • Ushers and Greeters welcome parishioners and visitors to each worship service.
  • Men’s and Women’s Breakfasts generally have a topic for discussion and provide ample time to meet new people and deepen existing relationships.
  • Holy Doubt provides younger adults a small group setting in which to explore their faith and to get to know each other at a deeper level.
  • Foyer groups are small groups designed specifically for creating opportunities to make new and deepen existing relationships.
  • Book Club provides a time for fellowship and discussion.
  • The Hospitality team provides food and refreshments for parish gatherings.
  • Newcomers group brings an opportunity to meet other people and learn about our church.

Grace in the Desert is also very active in developing relationships outside the parish with ministries such as;

Click on any of the other topics below to learn more about how we are working to better love one another as Jesus commands us: *

* For a more in-depth discussion see the Holy Currencies - 6 Blessings for Sustainable Missional Ministries by Rev. Dr. Eric Law, Chalice Press, Copyright 2013

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Robert Cooper Grace in the Desert (GraceofSummerlin.org) Webmaster Programmer and Web Designer Application Development Website Webdesign Custom Application C# HTML JQuery Javascript CSS email:bob@recooper.com